The Tagger

Last movie seen in a theatre?
'Vismyathumbathu'.That was some 4 years back. Was a silly one. I can't believe that I even went to watch it.
What book are you reading?

Ben Hur.I had seen the movie some time back. I loved it. So thought of buying the book.A very touching one.
Favorite board game

Snake and Ladder.Loved playing it when I was a child.
Favorite magazine
All the Architecture and Interior Design magazines.Architecture + Design, Better Interiors, Design Today...
Favorite smells

Garlic, Masala powders, Chicken Curry.I seem to have my hunger satisfied by just smelling these.
Favorite sound

The sound of trashing files or folders in Macintosh.
Worst feeling in the world
Pain.I dread pain.
What is the first thing you think of when you wake up?
The songs I heard last night.
Favorite fast food place

Nothing inparticular.Infact I am thinking of even quitting fast food.
Future child’s name
'Gaya' if it is a girl.
Finish this statement, “If I had a lot of money I’d…
Travel to Arabia, The Holy Land, Nazerath and all the other important places mentioned in the Bible. Another idea is to buy all the British libraries, ship all the books to my place...
Do you drive fast?
I don't drive.
Do you sleep with a stuffed animal?
Never.I think its childish even for a child.
Favourite drink
Any soft drink.
Do you eat the stem of broccoli?
Storms - Cool or Scary?
If you could dye your hair any color, what would be your choice?
Yuck.I just hate seeing dyed hair.I believe in the natural look.
Name all the different cities/towns you have lived in
Favorite sports to watch
One nice thing about the person who sent this to you
What’s under your bed?
Morning person or night owl?
Night Owl.
Over easy or sunny side up?
Sunny side up.
Favorite place to relax
Obviously my Home.
Favorite pie
I havn't tried any.
Favorite ice cream flavor
You pass this tag to
Of all the people you tagged this to, who’s most likely to respond first?
Obviously MiloPilo.


i am gonna put this tag in my blog too...ur sis

July 29, 2008 at 12:26 PM  

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July 31, 2008 at 12:11 PM