Jesus's virgin birth is explained by 'Parthenogenesis' a method of asexual reporduction in which the female produces offspring without a male cell....The offspring produced by this method will always be male....It is found in some lower forms of life...
"Indeed there is a class of tumours of quite frequent occurrence in the females of human family, which some of our higher authorities have claimed to be attempts in the direction of virgin conception (dermoids tumours of ovarian origin)." Katherine Bushnell....

To say that all women must continue living in subjection to men bcoz of Eve's sin(Gen 3:16) is just as silly as saying that all men should continue living as agriculturists in poverty bcoz of Adam's sin(Gen 3:17-19)
Ephesians 5:22 -Submit to one another out of reverence for Christ. This means men should submit to their wives too...Submission is mutual...not just women to men...Besides, submitting to an evil husband will invite God's wrath...In Genesis 21:12 God tells Abraham to obey his wife...From this we can understand that a husband should submit to his wife when he knows that the wisdom she provides is in the best interest of their family. Its the same for a wife too...By the word subjection in my above statement I meant 'being dictated'...Early Church men had used Gen 3:16 to subject their women to mental and physical abuse...Even some Pastors advise wives(who come to them for help) to submit to their abusive husbands...God doesn't approve this kind of submission...And Paul didnt mean 'Unquestioned Obedience' by the word submission...
The real meaning of the word “subjection” refers, not to servility, but to conciliation. Where wrong exists, or is supposed to exist, the Christian method is always to exhort the wronged one to efforts to keep the peace, if possible, until the wrongdoer learns the better way. Men can always be wrong as well as women...So God doesnt expect women submit to evil husbands or men submit to evil wives...
Ephesians 5:22-23 Wives, submit to your husbands as to the Lord. For the husband is the head of the wife as Christ is the head of the church, his body, of which he is the Savior...In these verses the Husband to the wife is compared to as Jesus to the Church...Paul expects all husbands to be like Christ(which most husbands r not), loving their wives more than themselves and giving themselves up for their wives(lik what Jesus did for the Church)....And Jesus has told 'Whoever wants to become great among you must be your servant'(Mat 20:26), the husband who thinks he is the leader should act like a servant...
A woman should never submit to the selfish needs of her husband under any circumstance...

Dora the Doormat wears a “step on me please” sign around her neck. She’s a passive, quivering, opinion-less servant who can’t and won’t do anything without being told what to do. Dora can’t even get dressed in the morning without finding out which dress her husband wants her to wear. And she likes it when her husband acts like a domineering boor. Dora has absolutely no goal in life except to serve her man. She invites him to wipe his dirty, grimy, patriarchal feet all over her, so that she can happily clean up the mess.

Only Adam was driven out of Paradise; n not Eve.(Genesis 3:24) Eve was formed (Gen 2:22) only after God had commanded Adam (Gen 2:16) not to eat the fruit...She must have only heard it from Adam....So Adam alone was responsible for the fall of mankind...Romans 5:12 "Therefore, just as sin entered the world through one man...." Jesus had to be born a man to atone for mankinds sin brought about by Adam
Eve must hav followed her husband out of Paradise...God had said 'Your desire will be for your husband, and he will rule over you.' Genesis 3:16. Like what people think of this now, it's not a curse of subjection... God was only predicting... the fate of women who give their husbands more importance than God. Eve had 2 choices: 1. to remain in the garden with God or 2. follow her husband out of the Garden...of which she chose the 2nd option from which began her hardships n sufferings...Anyways Jesus(woman's seed) was promised to Eve right there in the Garden of Eden(Gen 3:15)....So God hadnt left her without hope...

God gives us different gifts and callings. Marriage is not absolute and neither is conceiving children. It is not absolute that every woman will marry, nor is it absolute that every married woman will bear children, nor is it true that every woman ought to bear as many biological children as she possibly can.
What is absolute is that all women are called to be spiritually fruitful. The Lord wants all women—including single and childless women and women past child-bearing age—to spiritually and metaphorically have a “household” and be the “joyful mother of children.”

The Tagger

Last movie seen in a theatre?
'Vismyathumbathu'.That was some 4 years back. Was a silly one. I can't believe that I even went to watch it.
What book are you reading?

Ben Hur.I had seen the movie some time back. I loved it. So thought of buying the book.A very touching one.
Favorite board game

Snake and Ladder.Loved playing it when I was a child.
Favorite magazine
All the Architecture and Interior Design magazines.Architecture + Design, Better Interiors, Design Today...
Favorite smells

Garlic, Masala powders, Chicken Curry.I seem to have my hunger satisfied by just smelling these.
Favorite sound

The sound of trashing files or folders in Macintosh.
Worst feeling in the world
Pain.I dread pain.
What is the first thing you think of when you wake up?
The songs I heard last night.
Favorite fast food place

Nothing inparticular.Infact I am thinking of even quitting fast food.
Future child’s name
'Gaya' if it is a girl.
Finish this statement, “If I had a lot of money I’d…
Travel to Arabia, The Holy Land, Nazerath and all the other important places mentioned in the Bible. Another idea is to buy all the British libraries, ship all the books to my place...
Do you drive fast?
I don't drive.
Do you sleep with a stuffed animal?
Never.I think its childish even for a child.
Favourite drink
Any soft drink.
Do you eat the stem of broccoli?
Storms - Cool or Scary?
If you could dye your hair any color, what would be your choice?
Yuck.I just hate seeing dyed hair.I believe in the natural look.
Name all the different cities/towns you have lived in
Favorite sports to watch
One nice thing about the person who sent this to you
What’s under your bed?
Morning person or night owl?
Night Owl.
Over easy or sunny side up?
Sunny side up.
Favorite place to relax
Obviously my Home.
Favorite pie
I havn't tried any.
Favorite ice cream flavor
You pass this tag to
Of all the people you tagged this to, who’s most likely to respond first?
Obviously MiloPilo.